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Entering Data - Forms

Forms are how staff enter data into the application. Several "Forms" are usually provided with an off-the-shelf application and have to be developed for custom applications.

Task Forms / Records Forms

Forms can be set up around tasks, like repair tickets, or around record keeping, as the samples below show.

Form screen samples.

Using Data for Decisions - Reports

What reports do you need? A repair ticket? Daily sales report? Product report comparing sales trends across various lines using charts and graphs?

Reports Turn Data Into Intelligence

Reports are the tools we use to identify trends, evaluate practices, and generally determine what is happening in our organization and the world it operates in.

Reports Turn Guesswork into Informed Decisions

Well designed reports share these traits:

Easy to Read
Use Graphs for Comparison Presentations
Display Easily Identifiable Sections
Contain Relevant Information

Sample showing charts and reports

Regular Reports vs. Special Reports

We can help you pull the information you need and then make it an easy task to run the report.

Our Services

We can help you identify what data you need in a report and the write an application that will pull that report from the database (assuming the data is there to be pulled).

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BizDev Technologies
6439 Louise Place NE  –  Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
Off: (505) 822-1444  –  Cel: (505) 550-0920  –  Fax: (505) 797-3934